IAMA Art Museum in San Francisco

Selected Works in Collection

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Art Museum

 When you see these four tiles with gemstone patterns, it seems there is nothing more to say other than they give you a feeling of beauty and naturalness. However, as soon as you realize they are actually four paintings, you will marvel at them in a state of perplexity. All of them are indeed paintings in patterns of jade. They are representative of works that belong to the “Chaoshi” style of painting. Starting clockwise from the top left, they are Dragon-Scale Jade, Autumn Aqueous, Fortune Vase Jade, and Yellow Loveliness Jade. Their patterns, watery tone, luster, and moist appearance are completely the same as those of natural jade objects. Such accomplishment clearly shows the calligraphic and painting mastery of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in the style of “Chaoshi.”



#Art Museum 

#Art Museum US

#Art Museum San Francisco 




观世音菩萨 西方极乐世界 顶圣大法
